Now this would not affect me because I don't have many of these characters, but it's not about me. If it was then I wouldn't be releasing my char would I? Well, until I can resolve how I want to do this (may use some tricky stuff with helpers), my focus on K'oss is shifted to EM and Aurdor.
Both of which are in also in the sprit edit stage (BOOOORING), but it must be done. These characters wont be just like K'oss and should take about 15% of the time K'oss is taking to finish.
That is because the K'oss that I am making for you guys is K'oss unleashed, and will be a boss in my mugen game, Dark Area.
The playable K'oss is toned down alot. I'm still debating on whether or not to release Aurdor and EM. The'll be in the mugen game regardless, but i know some people would want them in their own mugen.
Well either way, I have to work on these chars eventually, so that's what I'm doing at the moment. In case you've forgotten, this is how they look.

I'm not two-toning Aurdor. His pants will match his shirt. Too much work for that. EM is just like K'oss. Shoe edit, color edit, hair edit, glove edit, and a form of face edit (shades). These, unless I do something stupid, are final. These are how these characters look now, and will look.
Expect a little vid of EM and Aurder sometime in the near future. And Expect a post explaining "DARK AREA" sometime even sooner.
I'll say it for the sake of saying it, feel free to comment.
They look pretty good but Aurdor looks kinda played out. K'oss is good improvement on K, but what do you have in mind for blondie?
Well, just to make sure you know, Aurdor is the blondie and EM is the girl.
You think EM looks played out? Well this is the edit that looks the most like my comic (aside from the coloring). I would go back and Change it but WAY too much time.
Aurdor will be similar to K'oss, but not too similar.
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