Nowadays, just a bout all mugen characters have multiple palettes (besides from K'oss from yours truly), but how many of them actually change more then just the color scheme when you switch what costume your using? Well? How many? Because I have no idea, but I can tell you, it's not a lot.
That is why I decided to go the extra mile in designing K'oss so that the different equip modes really do take up a personallity of their own. This always fits in with K'oss' schizo nature in my comic in the sense that each equip will not only fight differently and move differently, but also look unique.
The candidates are above, and this one below is the HH (also a candidate but this mac that I'm on is screwin with me and not letting this one go up there with the others).
Starting from left to right:
- Sheild Equip: Or what we know as regular K'oss. Simple and clean. Fights very defensively compared to the other. Lacking a bit in speed. Hit A to activate the mode. This is K'oss as we've known him for sometime now. So I changed nothing.
- Sevin's Wing Equip: This was the second equip made for K'oss. Faster than Zodiac, and Sheild and great at recharging special. Good mix of offense and defense. Only equip that can fly. Hit B to activate this mode. The long-spikeless-hair resembles my comic's K'oss when he is in a calmer state of mind.
- Kaotic Fury Equip: Fast, powerful, and extremely chainable. This equip hits hard. As far as power is concerned it's king (unless you get luck and bring out the SkyScrapper with Zodiac Equip). Only downside is it doesn't add too many unique attacks. It's just for raw power and speed. Hit C to active this mode. I went with a crazier hairstyle for this one to match the fury fighting style. Hard and Fast.
- Whip Equip: Fastest of all the equips and also the hardest to code. My plan is to make its "C" charge as similar to sheiks chain attack from ssmbm. Hard? Yeah, i know, but I can do it. This equip (when coded), along with the HH equip, will offer the most diverstiy in attacks. Hit X to activate this mode. Can K'oss even see with all that hair? Who cares, he doesn't have too.
- Zodiac Equip: Differnt from other equips because the activation will bring out a random weapon (1 choice of 3) that will differ in attack and moves (even more diversity? what is this the UN?). If, by luck, the Zodiac SkyScraper is released, attack quickly, because you wont have long before it consumes. ZSS has insane attack power. Essentially sheild equip with metal armguards.
And that will do it for equips. Comment if you like the ideas or think i should change something. These designs aren't final, but I dont want them to be too complex (too much work). However, I wont be adding any more equips, these 6 will be more then enough.
Well once again, feel free to comment or e-mail me at
*I typed this on a mac, so firefox wouldn't spell for me. Excuse any errors.
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