Sunday, July 15, 2007

K'oss is back again, and Equiped to Brawl

Well, I said Saturday, and now its Sunday, but I have a good excuse. K'oss has a corrupt sff that only shows one palette to be shown (that's what I get for still using MCM :P). I was working on completely redoing the ssf when I realized that some pcx files were corrupt as well. Long story short, I lost a lot of time and I am still working on that problem.

But enough of that, let me tell what's new in this version and what I still have yet to do.

NEW Modes:

Equip Bonuses (watch the video to find out what those are)
Shield Orb Equip - Makes K'oss take less damage. Also gives ability for more moves
Sevin's Wing Equip - Makes K'oss gather energy faster, and take slightly less damage. Also gives ability for more moves
"Transformation" Equip - Makes K'oss faster, stronger, but no new attacks ATM


Wing Bash - HCF + a (SW Equip only)**
Wing Slice - QCB + x (SW Equip only)
Air Striker 2 - QCF + b in air (SW Equip only)
Air Striker 2 - QCF + b in air (SO Equip only)
Power Punch Shield - QCB + x (SO Equip only)
Scythe - HCF + b**
WindBash - HCF + y**
Kicking Combo - QCF + x

** = takes 500 power


-Removed his auto roll. May add again when I can fix it
-Changed Transformation into a mode
-Gave SW mode flying ability
-Fixed AI restart at the end of the round
-Gave AI auto mode after loosing a round
-Fixed Mash Punch Infinite
-Added Transparency to the fire explod (thank you a lot on this one)
-Fixed left behind images on Phantom Attacks
-Fixed the state change on "The Impossible"
-Made the Teleportation look a lot cooler, but take 1/4 of a special bar
-Fixed "La Furia" special... well somewhat
-Fixed AI stupidity after death
-Added Freakin Clsn boxes so that he can hit (dont ask me why it took so long to do this)


-Make hypers look cool
-Make Air combos
-Make a more human-like AI
-Make crouching Attacks (lol)
-Make an intro and winning pose (i'm absent minded)
-Make The whip mode (this will take a looooooong time)
-Make a sprite file that is NOT corrupt
-Add Palettes
-Finish making moves
-And many many more

Here are some pics as well

And finally, the Download can be found at the about K'oss Tab on the side.

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