Wednesday, April 18, 2007

For once, I actually have a good excuse

Well, today is the 18th, well past the 16th and you're probably wondering, "where is he? Where is K'oss?" Well when it became crunch time, I really did hit it, HARD. And now, I have paid the price. I stayed awake for a looooong time (over 33 hours) in an attempt to finish editing all 752 sprites that needed to be complete before the 16th. I crahsed, and I burned. Around 400 sprites into it I got really sick missed school, soccer, and of course, my release date. I'm feeling better now, but those days out of school have come with an absurd amount of makeup work, and the days away from the field have made me rusty and fatigued.

So what does that mean for K'oss? It means that I still have around 30 hours of work left to put in on this character and I can't garuntee that I'll have time every day to do this. Few things would make me happier than releasing this character and working on my other projects, but I do not want to make another improbable deadline. I will just have to work at a steady pace until the sprites are done. I will also have to put all my other characters on hiatus and work on this sole project. I feel like I've let some people down, especially myself. But I intend on fixing that problem by getting this done, no matter what it takes.

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