Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Controversy Is over, K'oss is back.

After a 5 month hiatus, I decided to revive the red-hair-red-eye-monster that shows no mercy in mugen. Before I go into production details, I thought that I would give you guys a little K'oss History.
K'oss started off as one of the main enemies in my manga/comic but then when I got bored with Burn (other mugen char), I decided to bring K'oss into the mugen universe.

When I decided to make a mugen version of K'oss, I did not want to make my own sprites from scratch. I was not being lazy, I was just sick of pixel by pixel editing on my other chars and getting no where. Instead of making my own sprites I used the sprites from Nao and edited the palette to match my character. This worked out well because Nao looked almost identical to K'oss. The controversy arouse when I put my a beta of my character up on mugenguild to find out that Nao was not just another a snk character but an actual sprite edit (ouch). Long story short, I was banned and my character was flamed to no end. Fustrated, I put K'oss on hiatus and continued to work on burn until I searched the web and found some interesting You-tube videos. People had comments that were praising my character and inquiring about his maker. As a result of the positive response, I took K'oss off hiatus and plan to release a new "unleashed" version sometime this month.

I think it is VERY important that I clarify some things about K'oss:

1) All the coding is original (If it wasn't, why would I even make a character)
2) The character sprites for the beta are from Nao (who I gave credit too)
3) The character sprites for the unleashed version are modified off of Nao (problem solved)
4) The fighting style and dodging system mimics smash bros (You'll see what I mean)
5) The AI may be a bit hard, this will be fixed in the "unleashed" version
6) The beta is very buggy (keyword: beta)
7) And lastly, the character concept is original. He is from my manga/comic.

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